So a while back, I went to Idaho to whitewater raft the Middle Fork of the Salmon River with my dad and brother.  To begin this tale, I will say that I didn’t die.  Whew.  I will then follow up with: I am a MASTER packer!  Can you guess which bag (singular) is mine?  The giant green one?  Andrew’s.  The two blue bags on top of each other?  My dad’s.  Yup, my bag is the smallest one all the way on the left.  True, my brother brought me a waterproof jacket, and my dad brought me a waterproof towel, but those items don’t take up that much room.  And with my limited supplies, I didn’t miss anything.  Spot on!


The day before we rafted, we arrived in the small town of Stanley, Idaho.  Our hotel had a private hotspring behind it.  The view was unbelievable!



Another feet photo taken the morning of our river departure.



Waiting to board the bus with the Sawtooth Mountains in the background.


Amy made Andrew some pretty rad moccasins for camp.


Smelling the Ponderosas.  The bark smells like vanilla!


Andrew customized the shirt the rafting company gave us on the first day by cutting out the neck and sleeves.



Our boats and the river on the Fourth of July.


On our layover day, we went for a four hour hike along a creek that feeds the Middle Fork.  Drank water from springs along the way.

Twas a beautiful trip.